Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Does Size Matter?

So today I'm taking a lazier approach. Instead of answering a question, I will ask my own. We've all heard this question before: does size matter? I've always wondered why there was such a big emphasis on size. It is apparent that in our society we put the big penis on a pedistool (no, not the pussy on a pedistool, haha). But did people always do that? Or is it a fairly new idea? Because personally, I wouldn't know whether it was 4 inches or 8 inches once it's inside of me. To me, it's more important how a guy touches me, kisses me, or what he whispers to me while doin' the dirty. I won't lie though, a big dick does feel nice to hold. I'm not sure if that's because my body wants it or because I have been molded to think that big ones are better. So I guess what I'm trying to say is - do big dicks really have an effect on the female (or male for that matter) body or is it just all in the mind? I really can't figure it out. I do know one thing though - if I were a guy, I'd want a big cock just for the bragging rights. So I could walk around thinkin "yeah, I'm the shit, son!"


Anonymous said...

See, ya think having a big dick would be a wonderful thing, and at least among men it is. But my experience has been that I get more people terrified of letting me have sex with them than aroused at the prospect of having a big dick.

robin said...

I like to call big dicks machetes and yes, I find them better. I've only slept with four people before. The first one had an average, the last three have been massive machetes. The big ones--especially the guy with the long and thick one--got me off. The smaller one not so much. There's something so hot about knowing you're completely filled up. Giving head is a challenged, but now that I've conquered massive and I mean MASSIVE dick, the average boys are a piece of cake. So yes, size does matter and if you don't have it, you better know how to make up for it.