Monday, January 28, 2008

The More the Merrier?

Dear Monica,

All my friends brag about getting multiple orgasms during sex. Unfortunately, I have been cursed with the inability to get off more than once. Is there a secret to achieving multiple orgasms that I am just not clued in on?

- In need of more

Dear In need of more,

Years ago my friends and I would sit in the playground during recess and gush about who could land the farthest when jumping off the swings, or who could fit the most grapes in their mouth. It seems to me that now as grown ass women, we haven't changed much. Now the discussion leans more towards who owns more Prada bags or who can get more Os. It's almost as if women have to brag about what they have that you don't in order to feel good about themselves. So what if your friend can have 8 orgasms in a row? Is there any proof that your one orgasm wasn't just as good (if not better) as her 8? Many women can't even climax once during sex so you should consider yourself lucky. Personally, I am a one O kinda gal. After just one I feel so at ease that I don't need another 38 to follow. However, if you are not satisfied with the one and feel the need to have another 38. I suggest google searching. I hear them keggle exercises really work..


MsFreshBananaPuddin said...

Try playing with yourself. I can get myself off pretty good if I have too…eight orgasms even…